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Możemy rywalizować z tymi przewoźnikami z Zatoki Perskiej i Azji bez zapewnienia najlepszej obsługi i produktu w klasie - powiedział de Juniac De Juniac, że Air France - KLM-y są w pełni wyłożonymi fotelami klasy biznesowej dłużej niż oferowane przez konkurentów, z poduszkami i kołderkami, większymi ekranami medialnymi i nowymi, eleganckimi menumi. Powiedział, że osobiście insygnia Większy pokój dla stóp fliers Myślimy, że ludzie są źle traktowani, de Juniac powiedział On wierzy, że ludzie będą skłonni wydać trochę więcej na bilety, które obejmują te nowe udogodnienia. Wysokie taryfy na długodystansowe loty sprawiają, premium pasażerowie szczególnie cenni W zeszłym roku 15 milionów podróżnych na tych lotach do Air France, 1 6 milionów samolotów, którzy skorzystali z klasy biznesowej, przyczyniła się do uzyskania jednej trzeciej swoich dochodów Pasażerowie pływający za granicę w klasach premium wzrosła o 4 procent w 2017 roku z roku wcześniej Aby rozszerzyć swoją wizję nowej twarzy Air France-KLM, de Juniac powiedział, że planuje podwoić lub potroić budżet reklamowy. Firma ma 150 osób pracujących w sieciach społecznościowych i ogłosi nową globalną kampanię reklamową i strategię inwestycyjną w zakresie komunikacji w tym miesiącu, powiedział to pytanie 1 z 3 w tym zestawie.1 Które z następujących jest zidentyfikowane jako planowane uaktualnienie do floty Air France-KLM ABC DA nowa społeczna kampania reklamowa Nowe h najlepsze możliwości gastronomiczne dla podróżnych Różnorodność opcji rozrywkowych Szersze korytarze w kabinach pasażerskich. Każdy 2 z 3 w tym zestawie 2 Zgodnie z informacjami w artykule, które z następujących najlepszych podsumowuje planowane zmiany w Air France - Flota KLM ABC D. Zmiany konstrukcyjne mające na celu zwiększenie maksymalnej liczby pasażerów Zapewnienie dodatkowych dodatków na lotnisku, każda za dodatkową opłatą za każdą usługę Nowe podejście polegające na zapewnieniu, że personel obsługi podczas lotu jest odpowiednio przeszkolony w zakresie środków ostrożności Aktualizacje mające na celu stworzenie bardziej komfortowych wrażeń dla pasażerów wysokiej klasy. Pytanie 3 z 3 w tym zestawie 3 Na podstawie informacji zawartych w artykule, które z poniższych powodów stanowiłoby największy problem dla planu de Juniac's ABC DA nowe żądanie podróżujących w interesach dla bardziej komfortowych noclegów Wiarę wśród podróżnych, że udogodnienia nie gwarantują wyższych cen biletów Plany przez Zatokę i azjatyckich przewoźników, aby wydać jeszcze więcej na reklamę Spadek liczba osób latających w klasach premium na krótkie pobyty. Samsung wzięła wyzwanie dla oprogramowania Google dla telewizorów 5 stycznia 2017 Bloomberg Samsung Electronics chce wykorzystać swoje zainteresowanie inteligentnymi domami dzięki nowym oprogramowaniom Tizen Firma koreańska przedstawi pierwsze telewizory zasilane Oprogramowanie Tizen na targach Consumer Electronics Show w tym tygodniu Firma może również zademonstrować, w jaki sposób telewizory komunikują się z pralkami, lodówkami i odkurzaczami Wszystkie modele sieci Web, do których sprzedaje się w tym roku, uruchomi nowy system operacyjny Firma chce generować przychody z aplikacji i usług firmy Tizen, podobnie jak Google i Apple, z systemów operacyjnych Google i Apple zazwyczaj otrzymują około 30 procent ceny każdej aplikacji, utworu lub filmu zakupionego na potrzeby swoich systemów operacyjnych Samsung skupia się na telewizory i konsumenci. Zaloguj się, aby przeczytać pełny dokument. 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Opublikował cechy. Ostatnia upadek, Yale wstąpił do Uniwersytetu Missouri Princeton, Occidental College i kilku innych kampusów w szalejących protestach nad rasizmem w kampusie Opisy prasowe rasizmu były fragmentaryczne i sprzeczne, ale Yale wkrótce ogłosiła zamiatanie planów promowania różnorodności, uczulenia białych i kłusowania uczniów o kolorze Nie było obszernych raportów o tym, co skłaniają do tych zmian, ale to wszystko miało zapach histerii. Więc z wielkim zainteresowaniem przeczytałem okładkę ostatni numer magazynu "Alumni Yale", który twierdził, że wyjaśnia, co się naprawdę wydarzyło w Yale, powinienem był wiedzieć lepiej. Artykuł lżejsza nad złym zachowaniem czarnych i bezgłośnych sprawozdań małe maleńkie rzeczy prawdziwe lub wyobrażone, które ustawiły kampus na uchu To, co naprawdę się stało w Yale było dokładnie tym, czego podejrzewałem histeria, a następnie kapitulacji. jest organizacją, która wyzwala tendencje wszędzie tam, gdzie można ją odnaleźć i sponsoruje sesje na takich tematach, jak Black Trans Awareness 27 października wysłała wiadomość do kampusu przypominająca studentom, że jesteśmy jednym z Yale i ostrzegamy przed kostiumami Halloween, które dotyczyły noszenia owłosione fryzury, turbany, noszące farby wojenne lub modyfikujące odcienie skóry lub noszone na czarno lub na twarzy, ponieważ nie respektują, wyobrażają lub wyśmiewają segmenty naszej populacji. To było za dużo dla Eriki Christakis, która uczyła edukacji wczesnoszkolnej i była współpracownikiem mistrza Silliman College , jeden z akademików Yale Wysłał wiadomość do uczniów Silliman, prosząc, czy nie ma miejsca na dziecko lub młodą osobę tatuaż trochę obrzydliwy trochę niewłaściwy lub prowokacyjny, lub oburzony Sugerował, że jeśli ktoś ma cię obrażać, powiedz mu to. JWs szybko wyrzucił list, w którym oskarżyła pani Christakis o zapraszanie kpiny i przemocy na siebie i naszych wspólnot, pod koniec listopada list zawierał ponad 1000 podpisów ze stron powiązanych z Yale. Tego samego dnia, w którym przekazała pani Christakis, bratnia brat Sigma Alpha Epsilon odbyła imprezę Halloween Następna wiadomość stała się dowodem na to, że bracia SAE odwrócili się do czarnych dziewczyn, mówiąc impreza była dla białych dziewcząt To doprowadziło do wściekłości i doniesień prasowych, ale jest dobry powód, by sądzić, że te twierdzenia były fałszywe Na początku imprezy SAE dał członkom i ich przyjaciołom, pierwszemu, w tym kilka czarnych dziewcząt Ale partia stała się zatłoczona i hałaśliwie, z rój ludzi przed domem frat próbuje dostać się Policja ostrzegła SAE, aby wyciąć hałas i tłumić tłum. dom AE w Yale. SAE n przestał mówić o tym, że kiedy odwrócił się do czarnych dziewczyn, skarżyli się, że to dlatego, że były czarne Biuro Yale Deana później badało białą dziewczynę, twierdząc tylko, i stwierdziła, że SAE złym tłumem, ale nie był winny zachowanie rasistowskie SAE nie został sankcjonowany W pasku bocznym do artykułu artykuł Yale Alumni Magazine YAM przyznaje, że nie ma białej polityki dziewcząt Najbardziej szczegółowe, niezależne sprawozdania sugerują, że opłata była fikcyjna. YAM zgłosiła, że czarni członkowie SAE tak, członkowie byli nazywani wujek Toms za przyłączenie się do fraty, która rzekomo trzymała czarne dziewczyny z jej stron, a ktoś wyplucił u stóp prezesa SAE, Grant Mueller YAM był nieśmiały jeśli chodzi o określenie wyścigu spitter. Na 4 listopada 350 ludzie spotkali się w afro-amerykańskim centrum kulturalnym, aby potępić rasizm pani Christakis i późniejszy zdyskredytowany incydent SAE, ale następnego dnia był szczególnie ekscytujący. Około 200 studentów poświęconych Dean Yale'owi Jonathon Holloway, który jest czarny na zewnątrz biblioteki i gwałtował go przez dwie godziny, ponieważ nie był wrażliwy na ucisk uczniów o kolorze. Niektórzy uczniowie byli wojenni, inni płakali. Liczba uczniów, świeżo dręczyła jednego administratora, a następnie udała się do Silliman College i otoczony Nicholasem Christakisem, mężem już zranionej Erika Christakis, a także współpracownikiem mistrza Silliman Kiedy pan Christakis bronił swojej żony, e-mail czarna kobieta krzyknęła na niego, że jest cicho On zrobił tak, jak mówiono Nadal wrzeszczała on mu mówił, że całkowicie zrozumiał swoją pracę Dlaczego fk zaakceptował stanowisko Kto wynajmował ciebie fk Nie powinieneś spać w nocy Jesteś obrzydliwy. To wszystko zostało zrobione na wideo i screamer został zidentyfikowany jako Yale starszy Jerelyn Luther z wysokogatunkowego miasta Fairfield, Connecticut Jej matka jest biała i prowadzi firmę PR i marketingową, którą mama wymieniła jako towarzysz z innego rodzaju urządzeń ale strona Jerelyn została usunięta i jest dostępna tylko za pośrednictwem maszyny Wayback Machine. Tego samego wieczoru, 5 listopada 50 uczniów nie-białych spotkało się z prezydentem Yale, Peterem Salovey, aby pozbyć się uczuć, jak niewrażliwe jest uczelnia ich potrzeby Mówił ładnie, mówiąc, biorę za to osobistą odpowiedzialność i uważam, że to niepowodzenie. Następnego dnia Yale zorganizowała konferencję wspierającą wolną przemowę, w której mówcy bronili Christakisowi prawa do wyrażania swoich poglądów. Przyciągało to 100 protestujących YAM że dwaj uczniowie wypluciły się, gdy opuścili konferencję, ale znowu są nieśmiali co do wyścigu zrzutów The Yale Daily News również zgłosił się na plucie i był równie nieśmiały. Jest śledzony przez wiele protestów, w tym nauczania na 1000 ludzie, w których panelista skarży się na dyskryminację, rasizm systemowy i, oczywiście, SAE i Christakis Grupa 200 studentów, nazywających się następnym Yale składającym się głównie z czarnych kobiet przemaszerowanych do Presi w domu Salovey'ego o północy 12 listopada, kiedy to popychały go jeszcze bardziej do popędzania pani Christakis, wydali więcej pieniędzy na nie-białych i wymagają, aby wszyscy studenci studiów etnicznych. Potem przyszli kapitulację 17 listopada prezydent Salovey napisał list do członków społeczności Yale, która rozpoczęła się w następujący sposób W ciągu trzydziestu pięciu lat w tym kampusie nigdy nie byłem równocześnie poruszany, kwestionowany i zachęcany przez naszą społeczność, tak jak w ciągu ostatnich dwóch tygodni W wyniku poruszania się, , i zachęcał, ogłosił, że. Yale stworzy ośrodek do badania rasy, pochodzenia etnicznego i innych aspektów tożsamości społecznej Centrum wchłonie profesorów z innych działów i zdobędzie nowe cztery nowe stanowiska kierownicze. Yale będzie zatrudniać więcej nauczycieli z tych obszarów i rozpocznie pięcioletnią serię konferencji dotyczących kwestii rasowych, płci, nierówności i włączenia. Yale wyda 50 mln euro na zwiększenie różnorodności uczelni i wyznaczy zastępcę dziekana ds. różnorodności na h elp wydają pieniądze. W teatrze Yale znajdują się cztery bardzo skromne centra kulturalne, kluby dla czarnoskórych, hiszpańskich, azjatyckich i amerykańskich Indian. Ich budżety zostaną podwojone. Wszyscy członkowie Departamentu Zdrowia Psychicznego otrzymają szkolenie multikulturowe, aby lepiej traktować mniejszości, które odchodzą od narkotyków w Yale Każde z centrów kultury będzie miało godziny wizyt w konsultacjach dotyczących zdrowia psychicznego, więc nie białe mogą być traktowane na ucisku bez wychodzenia z klubów. Będzie to obowiązkowe szkolenie w zakresie rozpoznawania i zwalczania rasizmu i inne formy dyskryminacji dla prezydenta i wiceprzewodniczących, dziekanów, proboszczów, kierowników wydziałów, dyrektorów studiów magisterskich i studiów licencjackich, magistrów i dziekanów, pracowników uczelnianych i innych w całej uczelni. Obecnie studenci są zwolnieni z szkolenia. Yale ustali solidne i jasne mechanizmy zgłaszania, śledzenia i podejmowania działań, które mogą naruszać uniwersytecki jasny zakaz niedyskryminacji licencje Każda podpowiedź mikro-agresji może teraz być rejestrowana i przetwarzana oraz wykryte przestępstwa. Yale zapewni, że osoby, które nie są białymi, są coraz częściej reprezentowane we wszystkich dziełach sztuki i portrety na kampusie. Amerykańskie Centrum Kultury w Yale. Wreszcie, właśnie w sprawa Prezydent Salovey ominął coś, ogłosił, że tworzy prezydencką grupę zadaniową reprezentującą wszystkie okręgi wyborcze, aby rozważyć inne projekty i polityki. Wydaje się, że wszystkie te wszystkie podobieństwa znalazły się w ankiecie 1,485 studentów, którzy stwierdzili, że 61 procent uważa, że prezydent Salovey dostał to dobrze, dwadzieścia trzy procent Powiedział, że powinien był zrobić coś więcej, co, a 16 procent powiedział, że powinien zrobić mniej. Erika Christakis może sądzić, że powinien był uczynić mniej. Wycofała się z nauczania, zauważając, że obecny klimat w Yale nie jest, moim zdaniem, sprzyjający dialog obywatelski i otwarte dochodzenie Mikołaj Christakis wygodnie zajmie szabaturę. Christakises nie był całkowicie bez obrońców Jeden profesor napisał pub list licencyjny wyrażający silne poparcie dla pary, która ma prawo mówić swoim umysłem, a 89 nauczycieli podpisało ją. Yale ma 4 410 członków wydziału Yalies zauważyło, że większość podpisujących była w nauce i technologii i wąchała, że to tylko pokazuje, jak daleko od rzeczywistości ludzie są. Artykuł YAM jest wyraźnie zadowolony z kapitulacji, zauważając, że sekretarz stanu USA Arne Duncan nazywa Prezydenta Salovey gratulacje go Niemniej jednak YAM zdaje sobie sprawę, że skargi, które skłaniają do osłabienia wrażliwości i wydatków, mogą wydawać się nieco cienkie absolwenci W artykule cytuje Prezydenta Salovey, mówiąc, że wiadomość e-mail Christakis i strona SAE była tylko częścią zgromadzonych doświadczeń o ucisku dla nie-białych w Yale Więc co jeszcze mieli, YAM starał się wykopać brudu. One pucołowaty czarny student powiedział YAM, że została pomylona z powodu opiekuna i twierdzi, że drzwi do jej sypialni zostały zamknięte na twarz. Jeden czarny student mówi, że bił pięć razy z rzędu białego studenta w wideo, biały powiedział Ahh, ty czarnucha i natychmiast przeprosił Czarny student powiedział, że biała dziewczyna poprosiła o pożyczenie parę swoich szorty do koszykówki, aby nosić na imprezie gangsta Chińczyk narzeka, że ludzie spodziewają się, że Azjaci będą studiować naukę i są zaskoczeni faktem, że jest historią historii sztuki. Pozdrawiam, powiedziała, że jeden z nich mówi, że jego biała krew sprawiła, że jej inteligencja przypuśćcie, że to się stało dokładnie tak, jak opisano Nie ma żadnej części pakietu prewencyjnego Prezydenta Salovey, który będzie miał najmniejszy wpływ na którykolwiek z nich Czy naprawdę myśli 50 milionów wydatków na różnorodność i centrum do badania rasy i pochodzenia etnicznego zmieni co freshmen zrobić W swoim piśmie Prezydent Salovey mówi, że chce wzmocnić nasze zaangażowanie w kampusie, w którym nienawiść i dyskryminacja nie mają miejsca Hatred YAM nie donosi o jednej rzeczy, jaką kiedykolwiek powiedziała biała osoba mógłby zdalnie być nazywany nienawiścią A co z Jerelynem Lutherem przeklinającym mistrza Sillimana Co z uczniami prawdopodobnie czarnymi, którzy splunęli na ludzi Co z czarnymi gorzkimi do dziś, że Erika Christakis nie została zwolniona Co z tymi, którzy przemaszerowali do dom prezydenta o północy, aby krzyczeć na niego Cokolwiek czarne czarnuchy i ktokolwiek inny twierdzą, że cierpieli w Yale, nic nie jest w porównaniu z własną błędem. Prezydent Yale słucha protestujących uczniów poza domem. I oczywiście, to jest bardzo złe że zrobił złote zbiory w broszurach, pofałdowaniu i samooblachowaniu Im bardziej czarnoskórzy krzyczą, tym bardziej żartobliwi Czarni z pewnością się tym nauczył, nawet jeśli administratorzy uczelni się schodzą. W swoim liście Prezydent Salovey pochwalił, że Yale pokazał niezłomny oddanie pełnej swobody wypowiedzi Jego pakiet kapitulacyjny ma na celu ograniczenie swobody wypowiedzi Prawdopodobnie biały student pierwszego roku, który powiedział: Ach, czarnuch zakładając, że tak naprawdę jest taka osoba nigdy nie została zidentyfikowana Ale możemy być pewni, że jeśli zostanie dotknięty przez nowe, solidne i wyraźne mechanizmy śledzenia rasizmu Yale, będzie głęboko w kłopot. Prezydent Salovey dodaje, że nikt nie został uciszony ani karany za mówiąc ich umysłami, a nie będą to Oznacza to, że Jerelyn Luther i koledzy nie muszą się martwić Ale możemy być pewni, że jakikolwiek biały student, który przysięgał na czarnego nauczyciela nad incydentem rasowym, natychmiast dostałby buta. Jedyne, co Yale usatysfakcjonowało pełna swoboda wypowiedzi bezwzględnie zabrania, oczywiście, jest jakąkolwiek dyskusją na temat różnic rasowych Czubony czarny student skarży się, że chociaż ja tu jestem wciąż postrzegana, jak naprawdę nie powinno być tutaj Ostra prawda to, że większość czarnych nie powinna być tam z nich trafiły do Yale z wynikami SAT, co oznaczałoby automatyczne odrzucenie białych lub Azjatów Wszyscy wiedzą to na pewnym poziomie, czarownicy wiedzą o tym, a razem ze sobą pogrążają się w nędzy a nie w niedoskonałości. Standardy przyjmowania nie są takie, jakimi byli. Nikt z milionów Prezydenta Salovey nie obiecuje wydać to zmieni kampanię Yale przeciwko rasizmowi, walczy z wyimaginowanym problemem w nadziei, że niemożliwe rozwiązanie mogę obiecać prezydentowi Salovey'emu wszystkie swoje pieniądze i programy, siły zadaniowe i asystenci nie sprawią, że lepsze lub bardziej szczęśliwe czarne imperatywy Yalies będą karmią coraz więcej twórczych form żałowania. zdecydował, że jeśli to tak, jak Yale wyda pieniądze, to nigdy nie dostaniemy ani grosza od mnie. Jest coda do tej historii Jeden z akademików Yale nazywa się Calhoun College w pamięci Johna C Calhoun, Yale alumnus i South Carolina teoretyk polityczny, kongresman, senator, sekretarz wojny, sekretarz stanu i wiceprezydent Przez wiele lat czarni narzekali, że ponieważ Calhoun nazwał niewolnictwo pozytywnym dobrem, jego imię nęka ich i utrwala rasizm systemowy Prezydent Salovey obiecał, że uczelnia zostanie zmieniona, a poszukiwanie nowego nazwiska jest włączone. Wiodącym kandydatem jest Roosevelt Thompson. Nigdy nie słyszałem o Roosevelt Thompson Był studentem w Calhoun College, który ukończył studia 1984, jeśli nie został zabity w katastrofie samochodowej powracającej z przerwy wiosennej W 1980 był laikiem Little Rock Central High i otrzymał stypendium Rhodesa, zanim umarł. I, po prostu, był nieważny. dla obłudnych, niszczących narodowość pseudo-konserwatystów, była zniewagą roku na rok 2017. W zeszłym roku przeraziła lewicę w Salonie i Waszyngtouszu, i przeraziła faux-konserwatystów z National Review, którzy wszyscy potępili to jako surowe, obraźliwe i nieprzyzwoitych. Taki cudowny neologizm został dostosowany do tytułu książkowego, a my jesteśmy z pierwszą osobą ze zsypu, przez Vox Day i John Red Eagle Świeże jak wczorajsze wiadomości wspomina Bataclan th zabójstwa jerozolimskie w Paryżu 13 listopada oraz strzelanina San Bernardino z 2 grudnia. Cuckservative jest zarazem książką ostrej krytyki politycznej, szczegółową ekonomiczną analizą kosztów nieograniczonej imigracji, historycznym przeanalizowaniem migracji i jej zagrożeń oraz wezwanie do broni. Jest to, co imigracja ma związek z cesarzenstwem Teraz imigracja, amnestia i czy przyznać się do uchodźców muzułmańskich są największymi problemami w debacie krajowej Wśród tak zwanych konserwatystów są to, co dzieli krążki, takie jak Paul Ryan i Marco Rubio z najbardziej nacjonalistycznych lub rasowo realistycznych typów, z których najbardziej oczywistym przykładem jest Donald Trump. I debata imigracyjna nie jest kolejną polityczną sprzeczką, która wybuchnie w ciągu sześciu miesięcy Jest to kryzys o największym znaczeniu historycznym Autorzy wyjaśniają, że. Serwerowatalizm już wcześniej wykazywał zagrożenie egzystencjalne Stanom Zjednoczonym Ameryki, ledwie połowę czasu zajęło komunizm, aby doprowadzić do upadku Związek Radziecki 50-letnia masowa migracja do Stanów Zjednoczonych, tzn. Od 1965 roku, jest największą inwazją w dziejach ludzkości Ponad 60 milionów osób przetrwa operację Barbarossa, w której Hitler wysłał do Związku Radzieckiego 8 milionów żołnierzy. większa niż hrabina mongolska Batu Khan, która podbiła ponad 2 miliony mil kwadratowych terytorium z Birmy do Bułgarii Jest tysiąc razy większa niż pierwsza krucjata I jest to dwukrotnie większa liczba imigrantów, którzy weszli do Stanów Zjednoczonych między rokiem 1870 a 1930 r., A wówczas reprezentowała około 60 procent imigrantów na całym świecie. Wymaga to niemal kompletnej ignorancji w historii, która zakłada, że nielegalne działania nie mają niezwykłego wpływu na długą że nie jest to egzystencjalne zagrożenie dla samego przetrwania Ameryki jako narodu. To spojrzenie w otchłań pochodzi z ostatniego rozdziału, "Wyzwanie dla kaczki" służący w tym, co ja opisuję jako wezwanie do broni To takie drżące zimno spojrzenie na naszą możliwą przyszłość, sprawia że jestem wdzięczny, że autorzy wybrali tak kapryśny, frywolny tytuł książki Jeśli pan Day i Red Eagle zadzwonili ich książka Suicide by Immigration lub How America Ends Myślę, że byłoby zbyt bolesne, aby przeczytać. Tymczasem autorzy stopniowo łagodzą nas w koszmarze. Zaczynamy od przyjaznej i życzliwej wypowiedzi blogerki Twittera i autora Gorilla Mindset Mike Cernovich. Słowo cuckservative wywołuje konserwatystów Jako prominentny użytkownik słowa, widziałem główne głosy w mainstream konserwatyzmu zareagują z przerażenia, kiedy nazywa się cuck On Twitter, ludzie, którzy narzekają, że społeczeństwo było zbyt feminizowane krzyk jak małe dziewczynki i blokować każdego who uses the term National Review, the leading publication of the mainstream conservative movement, has even begun to ban commenters who dare to use it. The Republican Party, as well as conservati ve media standard bearers such as National Review and think tanks like the Manhattan Institute, have sold out the American people Not only do these conservatives constantly call for open borders despite their disastrous effects on most Americans, but they have appropriated the terminology of the Left in calling all those who oppose open borders racists or xenophobes. So, cuckservatives are false conservatives who are thrilled to see real Americans get screwed over by immigration. After that crisp prcis of the cuckservative-immigration nexus, the authors move on to recent events They remind us of the immigration crises of 2017-2017, beginning with the story of unaccompanied children from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras suddenly streaming across our southern border Then there s the broader crisis in the Middle East, as millions of refugees swarm into southeastern and finally western Europe And yet this European refugee crisis I use quotation marks because these migrants are mainly sin gle young men and do not fit the UN definition of refugees is small beer compared to what s happening in our own country. I n 2017 alone the U S A took in 1,060,462 people, 280,276 of them Muslim Those one million new U S residents are in addition to the 12 million illegal aliens who already reside in the United States, part of a demographic change that has seen the European-American share of the population decline to 62 1 percent, down from 87 5 percent in 1950.And this explains the phenomenon of Donald Trump, the one Republican presidential contender who calls for the deportation of all 12 million illegals It also helps explain the popularity of socialist Sen Bernie Sanders, the lone Democratic hopeful who has dared to criticize unbridled immigration. Mr Trump and Mr Sanders are the only two presidential candidates who argue that immigrants, legal and otherwise, hurt employment and wages among Americans Regarded as gadflies and flakes by the mainstream Republicans and Democrats, these two men seemed to connect with ordinary Americans, and their poll numbers skyrocketed Note While Mr Sanders supports a pa th to citizenship for illegals, he has repeatedly blamed Wall Street for the immigration problem, and implied that the numbers need to be curtailed. The subject matter of Cuckservative is much grimmer than that of Vox Day s previous book, SJWs Always Lie but the two bear a striking resemblance They both have excellent, vicious cartoons by the pseudonymous Red Meat, and a foreword by a quasi-celebrity of internet culture Milo Yiannopoulos wrote the foreword for SJWs Both books opening chapters give us a quick overview, gradually leading into deep, sometimes abstruse background material In Cuckservative Messrs Red Eagle and Day warm us up by demolishing the whole mythology surrounding the canard that America is a nation of immigrants. The Melting Pot This wasn t some traditional watchword of American democracy and equality It was the title of a 1908 play by Israel Zangwill about recent immigrants from Tsarist Russia to the Lower East Side of New York. Give me your tired your poor This Emma Lazarus poem, inscribed on a plaque affixed to the Statue of Liberty, has been used for 130 years to advance the nation-of-immigrants idea After Ellis Island became a processing center in the 1890s, the poem was even used to imply that the purpose of the statue was to welcome immigrants In fact, the statue s real name is Liberty Enlightening the World, and commemorates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the United States as a land of liberty. The United States was founded, intentionally, as a nation of immigrants This is one of those soft propaganda lies invoked to justify mass immigration In fact, the U S A was founded by and for English-speaking inhabitants mostly from the British Isles There were immigration restrictions from the very start, and the first American citizenship law allowed naturalization only of free white persons of good character There were no anchor babies and no automatic spousal-citizenship provisions. The Magic Dirt theory This is the notion that a plot of e arth can magically change indelible traits culture, DNA, whatever You can plant a Canary Island palm in Nova Scotia and it will turn into a Douglas Fir Change the nationality of Guatemalan indios to American and they will become Ozzie and Harriet This theory, which Vox Day says he coined himself, is of course a joke What isn t amusing is that its premises are accepted by most of our politicians and public-policy makers We re not supposed to discriminate between people of different races, cultures, or national origins because once they are blessed by our Magic Dirt, they are all Americans, same as us. American exceptionalism American freedom the U S A attracts immigrants because it is unique in its level of freedom and restraint of state power That s what we still tell ourselves, even though abuses of state power have grown enormously in the past century. Today, in many parts of the Unites States, police can smash in your door in the middle of the night with a battering ram, lob flash-ban g hand grenades inside, drag you and children out of bed or bath at gunpoint, kick or rifle-butt you to the ground if you fail to obey quickly enough, and shoot your dog if it barks too much Similarly, the Internal Revenue Service and other government agencies can target private citizens on the basis of their political views, without any consequences for those who ordered it to be done. By whatever combination of cultural decay and demographic changes in the electorate, today s Americans already tolerate impositions greater than those that triggered the Revolution Leftists, particularly since they made their decisive break with the white working class in the 1970s, enthusiastically support the importation of people for whom the above abuses are not new and unwelcome changes, but the normal experience of government throughout history. The authors then vivisect both our disastrous immigration policy and the follies of cuckservatism, and include a field guide to identifying the American cuc kservative. Thinks the United States problems can be solved by tax cuts for billionaires. Believes that the historical culture and political traditions of an immigrant s homeland have no bearing on that immigrant s future opinions and voting patterns in the United States. Insists the Republican Party needs to cater to recent Hispanic immigrants to stay relevant. Supports a path to citizenship amnesty for illegals. Asserts that diversity is our strength. Is white, but has adopted a nonwhite child. Claims the word cuckservative is racist. The authors also provide a history of the 1965 Immigration Act, which took away our traditional restrictions on nonwhite immigrants, and they deflate myths about immigration. President Lyndon Johnson at Liberty Island to sign the 1965 Immigration Act. For example, we are often told by both liberals and cuckservatives that immigration is good for the economy Last summer, the leftist site took Bernie Sanders to task for saying that immigrants take American jobs Thi nkProgress cited a study proving that each new immigrant created 1 2 jobs for local workers, and had the potential for adding 2 5 The authors of Cuckservative traced these claims to the source, and found that the paper on which they were based had excluded most of the country, and most immigrants. The authors re-analyzed the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and found that immigration between 1980 and 2017 cost American workers about one-fifth of a job per immigrant It s an intellectual loss as well In the U S and in Britain, the average I Q of teenagers dropped two or three points between 1980 and 2008, partly due to immigration of relatively low-I Q nonwhites. Both authors claim American Indian heritage, and they try to draw analogies between the dispossession of the Red Indians and what is now facing white Americans For example, they offer the Shawnee chief Tecumseh as a kind of nativist prototype who decided to fight the white invader. These comparisons are inaccurate, and are among the few false notes I found in the book There never was any unitary Indian Nation the various tribes of North America fought each other at least as much as they fought the white man And the political effort to reverse illegal immigration is not seeking to reclaim a nameless patch of soil in North America, but rather to save and preserve the nation known as the United States of America. Still, the Indian card is a useful one to play when engaging in this debate, since it shuts down the usual attack favored by immigration hucksters Your people were once immigrants, too So I can t blame John Red Eagle and Vox Day for waving their feathers It gives them a nice rhetorical device We ve seen it all before Don t let this happen to you. It has been five years since I moved to France from China for my studies During that time, I have witnessed how this great European country has lost her traditional values and gradually become a shelter for Third-World immigrants This article is about my pe rsonal experiences as a non-European foreigner. I was born in 1986 and grew up in a middle-class family in China I believed that I was living in a beautiful era, in which people did not have to suffer from disease, wars, or racism I was happy to see how this old Asian country had finally opened her arms and welcomed people from all horizons We were so eager to be part of the free, modern world that it had become almost an honor to speak English with foreign people In Shijiazhuang, my hometown about 190 miles southwest of Beijing, there were many students from Cameroon and South Korea I met some of them in the downtown bars and soon became friends with them I quite enjoyed this exotic experience I truly hoped that people from all over the world would come and live in China However, I never wondered what it would be like if they decided to stay there and try to become Chinese. Five years ago, I came to France on an engineering scholarship I was attracted to Europe because of the beauty of European civilization However, I am not European and can never be European. French society tolerates only anti-white and, to a lesser degree, anti-Asian racism I have learned that being an Asian foreigner can be a double negative Many French people consider us annoying tourists or business competitors I have generally been treated very well, but I was once had a confrontation with a Frenchman. I was waiting for a bus around midnight Two young men obviously drunk were walking towards me along the deserted street They stopped, and one asked in English where I came from and I answered, also in English, that I was Chinese The other one got in my face and asked if I was tourist I didn t answer He started slapping me, saying you like this I lifted my arm to protect myself, and the other guy stopped him, saying this wasn t funny They went away just before the bus came. I still don t understand that encounter I could have told them in fluent French that I was studying and living here, but I don t talk to drunk strangers, and I don t know if it would have made a difference In any case, that was an exceptional experience, and I didn t generalize this sad encounter to the entire French people They were both drunk and bad-tempered But if that could happen to me, I suppose it sometimes happens to blacks and Arabs. This said, my guess is that Asians, especially tourists, are probably picked on more than anyone else, though not by the French Arab and Gypsy thieves seem to concentrate on Asians, and blacks like to rob us Each group has its own specialty It is well known that Asian tourists like to pay cash, even for expensive products, and that since they don t speak French, many of them don t call the police. Chinese tourists in line for Herms, a French luxury store. Even Chinese who live in Paris are often victims One, a hard-working and gifted engineer, decided to go back to China, telling me he was extremely disappointed that France allowed massive immigration from Africa He is not t he only one I know who left for that reason, and I know what they are talking about Once in Geneva, in a dimly lit restroom at the bus station, an Arab-looking man came up to me and started talking about China and Chinese dancing He tried to take me in his arms and dance a few steps, and I quickly pushed him away It was only after I had gone out of the restroom that I realized that he and another man with him had picked my pocket. Immigration means constant racial friction One evening I went home by tram When I got off at the station, a middle-aged Arab-looking man stopped me and began to insult me because he thought I had been laughing at him in the tram I told him he had the wrong person He then began to complain that people treat him badly every day I was angry about his rudeness but I still felt sorry for him Why didn t he go back to his country, where nobody would mistreat him because of his appearance. Again, though, it is hard to know what to make of this incident He looked like a tramp, and people sometimes make fun of tramps Native-born French tramps don t get the red carpet treatment, either The fact that he got angry at a fellow foreigner for laughing at him got me thinking Maybe he thought that all immigrants should stand shoulder to shoulder against French racism And, in fact, Africans and Arabs sometimes open up with me about what they think of Europeans. One day, I met a schoolmate in a dining hall, and we decided to eat together He was from Cameroon, and told me angrily about how his country had been exploited by white colonizers and how mean whites are to Africans I told him all that was in the past and that now everyone wanted to live in peace, and that he was lucky to be able to come and study in France He told me that this was the least the French people could do for Africans, and that he wanted to kill all white people I was frightened by his anger he seemed like such a peaceful person. Africans and even some Arabs and Chinese have unloaded on me th is way I try to stay away from people like that. I have talked about race and immigration with French roommates I sensed that they were very worried about how blacks and Arabs have changed the face of France but they are afraid that if the National Front took power, France would be pulled towards Nazism They tend to blame the government for segregating blacks and Arabs instead of treating them equally It is certainly true that, whether or not it was conscious government policy, immigrants have clustered in low-cost housing in suburbs that have become bywords for violence and poverty. Germany triumphs on all fronts Eiffel Tower under German occupation, 1940.When I talk to the French, every time I use the word race to try to explain that different groups have different natures, they get frightened and tell me that race does not exist They insist that we are all part of the human race. Of course, occasionally someone speaks frankly and is punished for it Last September, a UMP Euro-deputy and former cabinet member, Nadine Morano, said that France is a Jewish-Christian country of the white race that welcomes foreigners This remark, which would have made absolute sense in every African and Asian country, resulted in her being ostracized within her own party, and she was forced off the list of candidates in the regional elections In France, any discussion of race and religion must be banned because it evokes the Third Reich or the war in Algeria The French government has even tried to eliminate the concept of race in all government records and activity yet still tries very hard to fight rac ism. I began to wonder why Arabs and black Africans were so hostile to Western people, yet so eager to come and live in Western countries I first heard about race differences in intelligence in a critical account of Richard Lynn s work in the Chinese media I then found both Chinese and French translations of Philippe Rushton s Race, Evolution and Behavior I also read The Bell Curve It has n ot been translated into French, so I had to order it from Amazon and read it in English I also read some books by the great evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr, some of whose books have been translated into Chinese and are on the Internet I therefore learned that many people believe there is a genetic component to lower black performance, but I still felt it might be because African people, on average, live in more miserable conditions. At the end of my course of study, every student was supposed to participate in a complex academic project with a real-world application I was assigned to lead a group with two other members, a student from China and a student from Cameroon The Chinese did not speak French very well At first, I was afraid he would be confused by the difficulty of the language and the complexity of the project and give up What actually happened surprised me very much The African student quickly grasped the main issues of the project But every time he ran into a difficulty, h e complained, and worked on something else instead I tutored him and gave him papers in which similar solutions were clearly outlined, but he was unwilling to read them because they were too long It took the Chinese student a long time to figure out the problems, but instead of complaining or taking shortcuts, he concentrated and worked hard until the problems were solved It was the African student who gave up, and the Chinese student who succeeded. This story sounds like a fable for children but it set me thinking about the problem of Africa I have come to believe that the chaos and lack of economic progress in Africa are the result of their lack of motivation when faced with complex problems I also think they tend to be satisfied with little and therefore do not work very hard to get ahead The French welfare system also makes them apathetic They survive on a small income rather than strive for a better life. Racial preferences are now practiced in France even though they should be an i nsult to anyone who works hard to get ahead This, combined with a generous welfare system is what, in my view, explains why so many Africans come to France The idea that they were colonized and suffered from discrimination is just an excuse Muslims enslaved black Africans for thousands of years, but not very many blacks want to live in Algeria African people also choose Europe because of its cultural influence They see the Western lifestyle as the gateway to success. The West has promoted democracy and universal values in Africa, but the result has been military dictatorship, corruption, and violence Western values are clearly not suited to Africa Western values, without the absolute authority of white rulers, appear to destroy African societies. Different races should live under the different political structures that suit them Asians have also come under the influence of Western culture and politics, but have not adopted them completely In Asia, absolute political authority, strict soc ial family hierarchy, and hard work are what make a country run correctly This is why Singapore and, now, China have been so successful Korea, Japan, and Taiwan are more similar to the Western political model but they, too, are distinctly Asian in their respect for authority, hierarchy, and family. As for race, most Chinese people are taught from childhood to be proud of being Asian The idea that the races are equal is unimaginable It is almost impossible to find any discussion in China about the idea that Asians and blacks even could be equal Most Chinese simply have no interest in Africans In Mao s time, Afro-Asian-Latin American was an alternative for Third World Africans were supposed to be our faraway brothers in the struggle against capitalism and imperialism, but no one really cared about them. In Africa, the Chinese government finances countless infrastructure, energy, and construction projects every year Thousands of Chinese engineers and technical workers are sent to help devel op Africa, and they send back natural resources in return This has not improved our impression of Africans The news from Africa is always about extreme poverty and social instability Also, the Chinese who return from projects in Africa have many stories about incompetent black workers who nevertheless always want higher pay That is why sometimes we take over Chinese workers to Africa rather than hiring workers locally. Still, I truly hope that Africa s economic takeoff will be achieved with China s help, and Africans will finally stay on their own continent. Why have Asians kept their sense of race while whites have not Perhaps there is a genetic difference that protects Asians The explanation may also lie in what is, for me, an important difference between whites and Asians, and that is the European scientific mind Europeans showed their superiority to other races by their brilliant manipulation of abstractions abstractions that have led to a better world through science and philosophy Let me remind you that it was Europeans who invented the concept of race but it is also Europeans who try to prove through science that race does not exist and that humanity is universal Alas, e rrare humanum est The white man, the master of abstraction, has gone on to invent an abstraction that may yet annihilate him multiculturalism. For Asians, there is no artificial separation between man and nature In that sense, what is human does not end with human beings but includes everything with which we interact animals, the earth, water, air, and the sun One finds these ideas in Asian religions However, this does not mean that Asians do not distinguish between a Turk and a Japanese Cultural differences are manifestations of racial differences At the same time, Chinese do not care very much about what happens outside their own circle whether cultural or biological and that leaves them with the strong sense of cultural and family identity common to Asians We are not so easily misled by abstr actions. Despite the general acceptance among race scholars in the West that East Asians are more intelligent than whites, very few Chinese consider themselves superior to Europeans The huge success of Europeans in modern times and the darker coloring of Asians easily lead Chinese people to think that they are situated between Europeans and Africans in terms of intelligence and social capacities. From Human Accomplishment by Charles Murray. At the same time, China wants to have more influence on the modern world The sense of having lived in the Celestial Kingdom for thousands of years has pushed China into a kind of intellectual competition with Europeans This desire to catch up with the West has contributed to the economic boom of the last 30 years Without the heavy burden of liberal ideology and a history of colonization, China could play a leading role in the developing world and become the new hegemon while maintaining a majority-Asian population. Whatever role China plays in the world , I am deeply pessimistic about the future Conditions are evolving and will continue to evolve but it is not easy for me to imagine a realistic solution. Without the constant socialist and human-rights propaganda directed at whites and their children, whites would not face today s cruel reality The ideology of multiculturalism and the hatred of European culture are two sides of the same coin and come from the same sources And they are found everywhere. In France, the Left and the far Left are behind the daily blasts of hatred directed against the state of Israel Israel is the favorite target of those who hate colonialism, racism, European culture, and, ultimately, whites It always boils down to the same arguments To attack Israel is to attack a Western country that has an identity it chooses to defend In attacking Israel, the French lose the capacity to defend their identity as Europeans and Frenchmen while the bosses get cheap labor and the Left gets more voters and clients All this, de spite the fact that just one of the many riots and disturbances on both sides of the Atlantic should have been enough to prove that the concept of multiculturalism, invented in Leftist laboratories, is a fraud. In this context, I note Eastern European countries, even those in the Schengen free-travel zone, have very few non-whites Ironically, it may be that for whites, poverty is the only guarantor of separation and homogeneity. In the richer West, whites do not understand the seriousness of the threat, but as Mao Tse-Tung used to say, a single spark can start a prairie fire With information today so easily available on the Internet it is possible for today s young whites to learn the truths the media always try to hide. In France, the Paris attacks of last November prove once again the failure of multiculturalism These attacks, together with the onslaught of Syrian refugees, will no doubt push the French towards greater resistance against Islam This will encourage more Muslim immigrants to engage with the Islamic State A race war in Europe is not out of the question For those who wonder whether today s feminized Europeans still have the backbone to fight for their civilization, I note that the rooster is the symbol of France, and the French often say that he crows even with both feet in shit One must never underestimate the potential of an awakened people. A Gallic rooster and a French flag at half-mast for the victims of the recent Muslim terror attack in Paris. National Journal is perhaps the last place you d expect to find a good account of the Middle Americans Radicals MARS who drove the political campaigns of George Wallace, Pat Buchanan and, to a lesser extent, Ross Perot However, an article by John Judis does just that, and also helps explain the rise of Donald Trump. The article had particular relevance to me Over the past decade I have wondered what happened to the MARS voters Where had they gone since the Buchanan campaigns of the 1990s Had they died off, becom e discouraged, or simply been duped and absorbed into tepid National Review - style conservatism. This was depressing to me since I came to the alternative right in the mid-1990s through the writings of Sam Francis, who popularized the idea of Middle American Radicals Though the MARS term was invented by sociologist Donald Warren in the 1970s, it was Francis who tried to rally this group into a lasting political force His 1982 essay Message from MARS republished in his 1993 book Beautiful Losers remains the best summary of this demographic group It also laid out a possible plan for MARS voters to take and hold power Francis revisited this theme in his 1997 book Revolution from the Middle As Francis noted. Middle American Radicals are essentially middle-income, white, often ethnic voters who see themselves as an exploited and dispossessed group, excluded from meaningful political participation, threatened by the tax and trade policies of the government, victimized by its tolerance of crime , immigration and social deviance, and ignored or ridiculed by the major cultural institutions of the media and education. Francis explained that the real political division in the United States was therefore neither liberal vs conservative nor North vs South As he wrote in Chronicles in February, 1998.Today, the main political line of division in the United States is between elite and nonelite F or the last 15 years, the elite, based in Washington, New York, and a few large metropolises, allies with the underclass against Middle Americans, who pay the taxes, do the work, fight the wars, suffer the crime, and endure their own political and cultural dispossession at the hands of the elite and its underclass vanguard. Mr Judis cites Warren s 1976 book, The Rad ic al Cen ter Middle Amer ic ans and the Polit ics of Ali en a tion and notes that MARS voters in the 1970s favored Social Security, Medicare and some sort of national health insurance As workers and taxpayers, they hoped for long-te rm security from programs to which they had contributed However, they were strongly against welfare, busing, and affirmative action They also favored strong anti-crime measures and supported the police against rioters and criminals. Some of us wondered briefly whether the Tea Party might be a MARS revival, but its energy was quickly diverted into only slightly less neutered Republican politics, and its organizers were too terrified of the charge of racism to consider what Peter Brimelow likes to call the national question. Is the MARS voter staging a revival Mr Judis attended two Donald Trump rallies in September. one at a high school aud it or i um in Hamp ton Falls, New Hamp shire, where the line to get in stretched all along the side of the build ing and in to the park ing lot, as if it were the first night of a box-of fice block buster the oth er at the 20,000-seat Amer ic an Air lines Cen ter in Dal las The Dallas rally too was packed it was filled with rauc ous sup port ers wear ing red Trump T-shirts and Make America Great Again caps The crowd was over whelm ingly white and roughly equally male and fe male. At both ral lies, Trump s rail ing against il leg al im mig ra tion got ap plause But so did his at tacks on Chinese cur rency ma nip u la tion and cor por ate ex ec ut ives who ship jobs over seas Al most all of the ap prox im ately 30 people I in ter viewed at these events men tioned Trump s op pos i tion to il leg al im mig ra tion, his de fi ance of polit ic al-cor rect ness, and the strong lead er ship they ex pec ted him to bring to the pres id ency Yet al most every one also cited his eco nom ic na tion al ist stands. While Mr Judis does a good job of explaining who the MARS voters are, he has an annoying habit of confusing legitimate concerns with racism. Wal lace was the can did ate of right-wing ra cists, but he also wanted to in crease So cial Se cur ity be ne fits and make the tax sys tem more pro gress ive. Over the years, some of their is sues have changed il leg al im mig ra tion has re placed ex pli citly racist appeals. Francis, of course, understood the racial dynamic perfectly The 1998 Chronicles passage quoted above, continues as follows. Today, the greatest immediate danger to Middle America and the European-American civilization to which it is heir lies in the importation of a new underclass from the Third World through mass immigration The danger is in part economic, in part political, and in part cultural, but it is also in part racial, pure and simple The leaders of the alien underclass, as well as those of the older black underclass, invoke race in explicit terms, and they leave no doubt that their main enemy is the white man and his institutions and patterns of belief. Needless to say, the MARS voter rarely gets a chance to vote directly for his racial interests Instead, like Warren, Francis viewed MARS as a demographic that was being exploited by the New Right as a vehicle for power He credited Middle American Radicals with the election of Reagan in 1980 they accounted for nearly all of the Reagan Democrats and noted that this in itself helped distance MARS from the Old Right that could not elect Barry Goldwater in 1964 or even get Robert Taft on the ticket in 1952.Reagan addressing a group of steelworkers in October 1980.Unfortunately, the MARS voters could not engineer much change through government They reappeared throughout the 1990s in the campaigns of Patrick Buchanan, Ross Perot, and David Duke, but were never strong enough to elect another president or even take over the Republican Party Francis admitted this in Revolution from the Middle but still expected the MARS revolution someday to take shape. The Middle American Revolution is not merely a matter of politics and elections In the last few years, there have been definite signs of the impending collapse of what was once known as the national consensus, the vital center, the public philosophy, or other labels that purported that the beliefs and worldview associated with a narrow band of elite publications, intellectuals and politicians were really representative of what most Americans think and believe. Francis went on to say that what was happening was a crisis of legitimacy, or a period in which the subjects of a regime no longer believe in the claims of a regime to be legitimate In other words, MARS voters were losing faith in government and felt contempt for its elites who return the sentiment Francis may have simply been 20 years too early in his diagnosis. Every day the headlines make this clearer In November, Reuters released a poll showing that over half of Americans feel like strangers in their own country and that 58 percent don t identify with what America has become Who can blame them. Black Lives Matter hoaxes, SJW witch hunts, race riots, rising crime, mass Third-World immigration, repression on college campuses, white privilege indoctrination in schools, and political leaders from both parties who insist on i mporting thousands of Muslim refugees even in the wake of terrorist attacks do not inspire confidence. It is therefore no surprise that the one candidate who defies the establishment on immigration, Muslim refugees, trade policy, and political correctness is destroying the field in the GOP primary Unlike Mr Buchanan, Mr Trump has enough of his own money to finance a campaign and enough media access to retaliate immediately against the lies and distortions of the establishment. Also unlike Mr Buchanan, Mr Trump has the temperament to respond in kind to his critics He told Rick Perry to take an IQ test before entering the Republican primary debates He blasted Rand Paul when he kept trying to interrupt him in the first debate He routinely derides losers such as Jeb Bush, Lindsay Graham and George Pataki He mocks Black Lives Matter race activists as they are kicked out of his rallies He is the first Republican candidate in my lifetime who fights back on the same level of his attackers. For MA RS voters, the man seems to have met the moment People who feel like strangers in their own country are unlikely to vote for yet another bland representative of the Stupid Party and Conservatism, Inc Such specimens as Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, John Kasich and Carly Fiorina are stuck in the low single digits Marco Rubio may be the last hope of National Review - style conservatism, and even he cannot get much more than 10 percent in most national polls, despite the backing of an impressive collection of billionaires. Mr Trump is the first American politician successfully to combine the Left-Right appeal that has driven European extreme Right parties to increasing prominence He wants to strengthen middle-class entitlement programs such as social security and Medicare He wants to raise taxes on hedge fund managers who he says are getting away with murder, and lower the burden on workers He would tax imports to protect American jobs And most important He would slow the process that makes Americans feel like strangers in their own country. When Mr Trump talks about the silent majority that backs his movement he means the same Middle Americans whose radical anger Sam Francis hoped to mobilize And when 20 percent of Democrats say they would defect and vote for Mr Trump it is because he has bipartisan appeal to the non-elites of both parties whom Francis saw as having lost faith in their rulers GOP bosses are right to say that Mr Trump is not conservative by their standards, but he is exactly what millions of ordinary white people want. Sam Francis would be very pleased to see the GOP and conservative establishments mocked and destroyed Mr Trump could even win the general election by rallying MARS voters, real conservatives, and a slice of black and Hispanic voters who don t hate whites and America Blacks, especially, should support a man who promises to keep out foreigners who take low-wage jobs. The MARS movement has been brewing for over 40 years now With Trump, this demographic ha s reemerged and seems bigger, stronger, and more alienated than ever The Message from MARS seems to be that Americans are tired of dispossession, do not trust the establishments of either party, and want a future for their children If they succeed, Sam Francis will be proven right, and MARS may be able to make America great again. In the first part of this essay, I cited forecasts by UN demographers who predict that there will be more than four billion Africans by the end of this century Such a colossal population increase could result in a huge exodus of Africans from the continent I noted that Africans are already colonizing not yet politically and militarily but demographically the richer parts of the globe, whose resources and instant wealth they covet I wrote about what we can expect from this large, hungry population as it spreads to developed countries Islam and the political capitulation of whites are part of the drive into Europe, but African overpopulation and poverty are what most jeanfuel migration. Black Africans are the first group in history who could take control of other continents, not through military or technological prowess, but through demography alone Since the end of the Second World War, the European and American doctrine of self-determination has enabled a disparate collection of African states to come into being Those states many of which cannot even pay their own bureaucrats without billions of dollars in development aid are in the midst of a population explosion that is changing the world in our lifetime. Racially aware South African whites use the word locust sprinkaan in Afrikaans as a term for blacks At the risk of stooping to such hate speech, one could compare several billion hungry Africans migrating to Europe and North America to a swarm of locusts consuming everything in their path This is the politics of the belly of which the French expert on Africa Jean-Franois Bayart writes. In this second part of my essay, I would like to examin e another possible outcome, a different African planet from the previous one Several factors could halt the rise of Africa Epidemics and an inability to master modern commercial farming could result in demographic collapse This could also be accompanied by an ideological revolution among whites who begin to see an increasingly African planet as a threat to their own survival. In An Essay on the Principle of Population the English cleric Thomas Malthus 1766 1834 wrote that population growth is limited by nature The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man. In 2008, the Afrikaner mathematician Buks van Rensburg published a column in which he argued that a Malthusian catastrophe is unpredictable because even the very last generation in a population explosion would not know of the impending disaster He used the example of bacteria multiplying in a bottle Assuming that there were enough nutrients, the bacteria could double in numbe r every minute, increasing from just one to a billion in 30 minutes After about 50 minutes, a one-liter bottle would be half-full of bacteria In the final minute, the bacteria would outgrow the bottle s volume and would start dying off by the billions in a Malthusian catastrophe. Until Africa s population reaches a level that is no longer sustainable, we will not know what that level is The same, of course, goes for the population of the planet. A lot of research has been done on the issue of food security in Africa, notably by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization The FAO is fairly upbeat on Sub-Saharan Africa, mainly because of improvements in food supply in West Africa Nevertheless, it warns that The rest of Africa is still challenged with rapid population growth which affects the ability of countries to assure stable supply of, and access to food. As the following table shows, the number of malnourished Sub-Saharan Africans SS-Africa has risen from 175 7 to 220 million , despite the improvement in West Africa. It seems that the progress in West Africa is mainly due to more food imports The World Bank in a recent report worries that although 60 percent of West Africans work in agriculture, these countries still depend heavily on food imports which have tripled over the past 10 years Nigeria s oil wealth is fuelling food imports, but the recent drop in global oil prices could end the bonanza. Another study done by the African Food Security Urban Network AFSUN , a South African NGO, sees food insecurity all over Southern Africa, despite the fact that it is arguably the richest part of the continent and enjoys South African capital and expertise to help sustain its 210 million people The authors argue that urbanization contributes to food insecurity. Indeed, in South Africa, over 60 percent of the population is urban, a higher rate than the world average of 49 4 percent One may see this for oneself by driving into the countryside which is almost empty, whil e all the major cities are surrounded by so-called black townships and informal settlements, which are nothing more than shanty towns This has led to white flight, with many whites going back to small-scale farming, cottage industries, and attempting to create rural white utopias far from the African masses in the cities. Shanty town in Soweto, South Africa. AFSUN finds malnutrition even in Johannesburg, which is the richest city on the continent and is dense with shopping centers where you can buy anything from a dollar bag of corn meal to imported Italian cheeses The four South African supermarket groups, Shopright Checkers, Pick n Pay, Woolworths, and Spar are among the most competitive in the world, and some of them literally give samples of food away in their more upmarket stores The Shopright brand is tailored to the poorer, black market and has expanded all over Africa to become one of the biggest supermarket groups in the world by turnover. How can someone go without food in Johan nesburg According to AFSUN it is because in South Africa, the proportion of urbanites below the 2 day poverty line is greater 76 percent than the mean national 2 day poverty levels 59 percent It notes also that food costs 30 percent more in cities than in the country, so the urban poor are especially likely to go hungry. One of the effects of Africa s rapidly rising population is that economic growth lags behind population growth At the same time, the worldwide drop in commodity prices tightens the vise on Africa, preventing the poor from getting enough to eat even when surrounded by plenty, as in Johannesburg. Dependent on foreign food. Despite having some of the best agricultural land in the world, in the 2005 to 2009 period no fewer than 43 of the 46 black African countries were net importers of food From 2000 to 2009, eight African countries, including Somalia, Sudan, and Zimbabwe, switched from being net agriculture exporters to net importers. This graph shows just how drastic the sit uation has become As late as the mid-1970s, Africa s food imports and exports were in balance Now, imports are well over double the volume of exports, and are increasing alarmingly Imports, of course, must be paid for with exports, but most African countries produce little aside from raw materials and some agricultural products that is of interest to the rest of the world. An 85-page FAO report called Why Has Africa Become a Net Food Importer offers explanations The core finding is that population growth, low and stagnating agricultural productivity, policy distortions, weak institutions and poor infrastructure are the main reasons This bureaucratic language can be translated as follows Africa s problem is that it is inhabited by Africans. However, the continent will probably not face mass starvation in the near future, given the aid still pouring in from the West, Japan and, these days, even China The British charity Oxfam and others saved Zimbabwe from starvation in the mid-2000s after Robert Mugabe s catastrophic land reform, in which white-owned farms were invaded and confiscated Oxfam and the Nordic countries would probably step in to ease any immediate food shortages The long-term prospect, however, is one of great uncertainty. Africa s population explosion since 1950 the number of Africans has more than quadrupled has not yet resulted in Malthusian collapse, but diseases such as malaria, HIV AIDS and Ebola may portend a more sinister future Deaths from Ebola have so far numbered only in the tens of thousands, but due to the disease s high death rate and rapid incubation, the virus caused a global panic in 2017 For several months that year, we were treated to the sight of Europeans in white hazmat suits parading on television, saving Africa Western countries and NGOs mobilized to contain Ebola in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia there could have been a very serious epidemic without their help. One of the few black African countries that do not have a rapidly incr easing population apart from immigration is South Africa This is entirely due to AIDS An estimated 6 8 million people are carriers, according to the 2017 South African National HIV Survey, which was partially funded by the Gates Foundation. As the table shows, in the most sexually active group ages 25 to 49 a quarter of the South African population has HIV Almost 19 percent of the adult population between the ages of 15 and 49 is infected, with rates especially high for young black women Coloreds are mixed-race people or descendants of aboriginal hunter-gatherers. The table also shows that a South African black is 50 times more likely than a white to have HIV Interestingly, the infection rate among whites 0 3 percent is exactly the same as in Europe and North America, and is probably concentrated among male homosexuals. It is a miracle that the white rate is so low, given the prevalence of rape, and advertising and media encouragement of whites to take black lovers or spouses In many comm ercials, a white woman is embracing a black man and looking lovingly into his eyes. Shortly after the turn of the millennium, there were fears that AIDS could devastate black populations Many South African whites thought the diesease might restore the demographic balance, and some experts even predicted that by 2010 people would be collapsing in the streets This has not happened Anti-retroviral treatment, mainly funded by the US government, does not cure AIDS but it means South African blacks can live much longer with HIV, and go on to infect others. AIDS will continue to kill, however, and even apart from millions of premature deaths, the disease tends to overwhelm a country s health system because patients are admitted for all of the secondary diseases associated with HIV South Africa used to have one of the best health systems in the world, but it has deteriorated to a Third-World level, largely because of AIDS. Other, more traditional diseases have become more common, thanks to South Africa s liberal immigration policy Since 1994, South Africa s government has virtually opened its borders The result has been a torrent of people from the north from Zimbabwe, especially, but also from Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique and Nigeria Nigeria is Africa s most populous country, and is destined to overtake the United States within a few decades An estimated 10 to 15 million foreign Africans have poured into South Africa, swelling the shanty towns around all the major cities and towns. Because they lack infrastructure and sanitation, shanty towns are ideal breeding grounds for disease Kinshasa and Nairobi are projected to double in size over the next 30 years An outbreak of Ebola in such a dense area would be devastating, but more conventional diseases also spread rapidly. Our northern neighbor Zimbabwe may be an example of things to come Because Robert Mugabe drove out the white farmers who had been the backbone of a very successful economy, Zimbabwe now needs regular food aid, and death and disease stalk the country In 2008, a cholera epidemic that broke out in Zimbabwe spread to South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, and Mozambique The Red Cross reported that there had been 98,309 cholera cases and 4,283 deaths in Zimbabwe Fifteen percent of Zimbabweans are HIV positive. The chances of a Malthusian catastrophe in Africa are increased by the fact that many Africans do not believe in Western science and medicine Even educated Africans with postgraduate science degrees still go to witchdoctors, euphemistically called traditional healers As the African population grows, the official response to outbreaks of disease may become increasingly traditional, involving occult lore and rituals There will still be someone in a white coat at the hospital, but he may be a black man practicing ancient arts. Many black intellectuals believe that AIDS was invented by white scientists who wanted to keep down the black population In South Africa, there is an obsession with a cardiologist fr om Cape Town, Dr Wouter Basson, who was the head of the pre-1994 biological and chemical weapons research unit, known as Project Coast Some black columnists call him Doctor Death, and accuse him of designing AIDS in a laboratory Though probably no whites believe this, his liberal colleagues have still conducted a campaign to have his physician s license revoked, and he has been involved in a number of public hearings and court cases Most recently, complaints from liberal academics led to his being banned from training students in cardiology at the University of Stellenbosch. Although part of Dr Basson s record as a biological-weapons expert is still shrouded in secrecy, he has maintained that he worked only on defensive weapons for the Angolan war of the 1970s and 80s They were being developed to counter the use of biological and chemical weapons by the Cubans and Soviets against Angolan UNITA soldiers, who were supported by South Africa. In 2005, two academics spent 28 months interviewi ng South African blacks about their views of AIDS They found that black women tended to accept the Western, scientific view but men believed in conspiracies These conspiracy theories variously identified right-wing whites, Dr Wouter Basson, South Africa s government, Americans, businesspeople, and the military as the sources of the epidemic. Their view of Dr Basson was that. He did research and manufactured AIDS in his laboratory He wanted to kill blacks with his theory He first tested the virus on animals and then injected humans with the virus. Elsewhere in Africa and in Soweto the sprawling black ghetto south of Johannesburg researchers have found that people believe witches can give them AIDS The witch inserts a poison into the victim s throat and afterwards his body wastes away until he dies Eccentric views of AIDS are not uncommon among South African leaders Former president Thabo Mbeki argued repeatedly that the HIV virus did not cause AIDS The current president, Jacob Zuma, once f amously explained that after unprotected sex with an HIV positive woman he had avoided infection by taking a shower. The Western response. Africa has a rapidly growing population faced with poverty, hunger, and disease This explains why millions of Africans already want to escape their own continent and live in the West In the coming decades these pressures will become more intense. It is entirely up to us whether Africa overruns the West in the way I described in the first part of this article We have the power to keep Africans out the only question is whether we have the will to use that power. At some stage, the elite white view of Africa could change Western analysts have surely looked into their crystal balls and seen the threat of a huge African population They cannot be ignorant of what massive black immigration would mean for their nations economies, finances, health systems, stability, and everything else. Either the West will be held to ransom by Africans or there will be resistan ce The current influx from Africa and the Middle East into Europe is not only the result of war in Syria, but also of the African population explosion Chancellor Angela Merkel initially adopted a laissez-faire attitude to the migrant problem, but after the influx of over a million so-called migrants, there are signs of great discomfort in Germany In liberal Sweden, over 60 refugee centers have been burnt down, a sign of resistance to the unbridled immigration preached by elites. Burning migrant shelter in Sweden. Immigration is now the number-one political issue in the European Union, fuelling the rise of nationalist parties such as the Dutch Freedom Party, the French National Front, the Danish People s Party and the Sweden Democrats All of these parties enjoy significant electoral support, on the order of 30 percent or more They are an encouraging sign that Europeans may refuse to surrender their continent. During a recent session of the Dutch parliament, Martin Bosma of Geert Wilders Fr eedom Party even criticized the very notion of development aid for the Third World, accusing his left-wing colleagues of funding genocide and dictators in Africa With Europe assailed from across the Mediterranean, it is likely that attitudes on both immigration and aid will harden. Katie Hopkins, the maverick British columnist, caused a scandal in Great Britain when she published a column in The Sun newspaper earlier this year in which she compared the trans-Mediterranean migrants to cockroaches Entitled, Rescue boats I d use gunships to stop migrants , Miss Hopkins made a case for sealing off Africa from Europe completely, saying. No, I don t care Show me pictures of coffins, show me bodies floating in water, play violins and show me skinny people looking sad I still don t care What we need are gunships sending these boats back to their own country You want to make a better life for yourself Then you had better get creative in Northern Africa. Within days, 200,000 people had signed a pet ition calling on the Sun to fire Miss Hopkins, but she persevered, and switched to one of the largest global websites, Mailonline, which is affiliated with the Daily Mail. All over the West, there is a reawakening of common sense Marine Le Pen, Victor Orban, and Geert Wilders increasingly defend the rights of Europeans to maintain their culture and identity in nations of their own Donald Trump has famously said that he would build a wall on the southern border of the United States and deport all illegal immigrants. Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders. Liberals suggest that with enough aid and investment, Africa could become more attractive and Africans would stay home This has been tried before and is bound to fail Once they fully understand the implications of Africa s massive population explosion, people will support tough measures like those advocated by Katie Hopkins If they are to survive, Europeans and Americans have no other option but to seal off the large continent straddling the equ ator and leave it to its own devices, with or without aid money. The phrase Fortress Europe will mean literally fortifying the Old Continent against invasion The influx control of apartheid South Africa, denounced by liberals worldwide during the 1960s and 70s, will become standard practice in both Europe and North America during the 21st century if our civilization is to survive. Left without emigration options and cut off from aid that donors increasingly recognize as futile, Africa could begin to look like a science-fiction drama, with disease and poverty, along with advanced weapons and communications, fuelling a war for survival The anarchy of Eastern Congo, Somalia, Northern Nigeria, South Sudan, Mali, and the Central African Republic could spread The fate of South African whites will depend on how well they can shield themselves from the collapsing countries to the north, while xenophobic violence committed by South African blacks against immigrants from the north will increase in ferocity. When Joseph Conrad wrote the famous phrase The horror The horror in his Afropessimistic novella Heart of Darkness he could never have imagine just how widely it would one day resonate Europe must decide Will it remain in the light or succumb to darkness. Post navigation.
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